Tuesday, October 14, 2008

My Pumpkin and His Pumpkin

Today, Joseph received a package in the mail from his grandmother, Mama Lu. Joseph sat down with me and I said, "Joseph, do you want to help me open your present?" He looked at it as I tore the paper and I put his hands on the paper. He started tearing. It was the cutest thing. I opened the box and to our surprise it was a jack-o-lantern. It has Joseph's name carved on it. It's one of those pumpkin's that you plug-up and it's lights up. It's cute. Joseph was amazed at it. I sat it on the table and he touched it and grabbed it. I took some cute pictures of him with it. I am really excited about Halloween. We aren't going to do the trick or treat thing, but I think the idea of dressing him in a costume is cute. He is dressing as tigger for Halloween.

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