Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Returning to Blog

It's been awhile since I had written in this blog. So much has happened since and I haven't had much time to write here. The last time I posted something was on Nov. 9, 2008. It's now a new year and a new beginning. I feel pretty optimistic about things. I am looking for a better job in which I can use my associate's degree. Last semester was my final semester at Piedmont Tech. I am so glad and I feel that I can finally breathe a little bit. It's not the end of the road for my education. I would like to pursue a bachelor real soon. I am looking for a school right now that fits my schedule and budget. I would like to go into Psychology and pursue something in the law or criminal justice field.

Anyways, since the last time I posted, I talked about my grieving process. All I can say it that's it run it's course pretty healthy I guess you could say. I still miss him very much, but I can smile now when I think of him. Everytime his name is mentioned I blush and smile like I did when he was alive. The same glow is in my face back then when he was alive when I think of him. I love him so.

Little Joe has been growing tremendously. His cognitive development amazes me. He can talk. PERIOD. I swear to you some words isn't just babbling. They are words. He can say Pa-Pa. He knows that's his name. When my Dad comes in from work, Joseph grins real big and says "Pa-Pa." He can also say Ma-ma, nana, An-tee (Andy). I also caught him saying ba-ba after he had his bottle. He reached for it and said it. My jaw dropped. He can say Hey dare(there) and bye-bye. He always seeks to amaze me, just like his Dad did.

On Jan 19th, which was Monday marked two years that I met Joseph. I remember the moment almost like it was yesterday. We met at Roma's, Downtown Laurens. I remember opening the door into the restaurant and there he was waiting patiently for me to arrive. I remember the look on his face. Though I never met him in person before, I knew what the look on his face said. I am falling in love with you. He told me that it was love at first sight for him after that day. It was for me too. We spent like four hours there talking about almost everything. I also shared my sketches with him and he shared his gourd he carved. It's was a very significant day in my life two years ago on that day. I had met the man that I would love truly for life and the man whom I would share a child with. His memory lives on in my heart.

When I first met Joseph, we use to exchange poetry over the phone. Poems that we wrote and some poems that read from other authors that were our favorites. I went to the library last week and I just had this eagerness to check out a book of poems. I found a book called "Christ in Poetry". I thought, "Joseph would love to read poems out of this book." I found a poem in there that I think would of caught Joseph's eye. I know it would of been one of his favorite as it is mine since I read it.

The Splended Lover
One and one only is the splended Lover,
The all-forgiving, all-compassionate;
When others fret you with impatient loving,
He a greater Lover patiently will wait.
Though you turn from him threescore times and seven,
Mock his devotion spurn him as a guest,
With steadfast wooing, he at last will win you,
And reveal life's wonder when your head lies on his breast.
-John Richard Moreland
Somehow this poems reminds me of how much Christ loves us. His love that He has for us is more than we can comprehend. He is trying to win our hearts everyday and we need to draw more closer to Him. Jesus is the biggest Lover of all. I know I haven't been looking forward to Valentine's Day. It just hasn't been the same since I met Joseph, but when I think about Valentine's Day, why don't we celebrate the love that we have for Christ and the love that He has for us? I don't have a sweetheart to give candy, or flowers, or a valentine's day card to, but I do have a heart to give to Christ for eternity.

1 comment:

Mama Lu said...

Isn't it amazing how God sends people into our lives just at the time that we could use some encouragement? I have no doubt that that is what happened today. And, like you said, I have no doubt that Joseph is right beside God watching over you and Joseph. He couldn't be more proud of you two...just as proud as his family is! How blessed we are to have a most wonderful daughter-in-law, son-in-law, and not one, but TWO absolutely precious grandsons. (Those pictures of Joseph are adorable. He looks like a little cherub.) God is so good.